Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Importance of Being Involved

      Did you know you have a neighborhood association? That is what the president of the South Hill Neighborhood Association, Ray Ballweg, wants everyone in the South Hill neighborhood to know. 

During the third week of September, the association sent out over 100 postcards to renters and homeowners living in the South Hill neighborhood. According to Ballweg, they did this “to make sure people knew there was an association, especially those who were new to the neighborhood.” They also wanted to encourage the residents to share their interests with others.

This is the first time they have sent out postcards and they saw a significant increase in attendance to the following meeting.

Debbie Biery, a resident of the South Hill neighborhood for 14 years, has been a member of the association for many years. She stated that she probably got involved because of flyers that were sent out. She remembers thinking, “Oh look, we have a neighborhood association. Let’s go to the meeting.”

“People used to know who their neighbors were.” Biery said. “Now you don’t just sit and have tea with your neighbors.” She said although she has been less actively involved lately, she is completely committed to being involved now.

  Their most recent meeting was on Wednesday, the 6th at the Fairhaven Library. There were about 30 in attendance. It was time or their yearly elections and nine spots were open. Ballweg asked for nominations and explained that any nominee must be a member in good standing to be elected. 

Among the spots open were Ballweg’s position as president and his wife’s position as secretary. Ballweg has been the president for the past three years and according to the association rules, he cannot serve a fourth year. 

When it came time to vote, he explained that unless someone else stepped forward to take his place, they would have to vote to suspend that rule so that he could serve another year. They voted to suspend the rule. 

In the future, there are several areas where Ballweg would like to see neighborhood input and involvement in. He has introduced the idea of having art and sculpture exhibits to encourage sculptors and artist in the neighborhood to showcase their talent. He would also like to see a bandstand on Taylor Dock to provide evening entertainment next summer. The construction at Boulevard Park last summer prevented them from pursuing the idea then.

  Another plan that is still up in the air is to build another over-water walkway connecting Boulevard Park to Cornwall Beach. According to Ballweg, about 80 per cent of the money has already been raised, but the sticking point is getting approval from the Lummi Nation. They fish on the beach that would be affected by the walkway.

Wes Frysztacki has been involved in the association since 2005 and stressed, “It’s good to have communication and people working together on projects.” He got involved when he became interested in improving Highland Dr., the road he lives on. It was only 19 feet across and had no sidewalks for pedestrians. He worked with the association to improve the road and since then, the city has put in a new drainage system and created a gravel walkway on one side. 
“The community appreciated that and thought I should take on other things.” Frysztacki said, chuckling. Throughout the years he has been involved, he has seen waves of people concerned with many different issues. 

When asked why he thought people in the neighborhood aren’t getting involved, Ballweg stated, “Our neighborhood is changing. We had (older) people that had retired and we now currently have a bunch of new people—young families—coming in.” These families are busy going to work and watching their kids, and many are involved in the Lowell PTA. “I just think that the young people are just so busy,” he said.

Despite this, he hopes those in the community will take interest in being a part of what happens in the neighborhood.

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