Tuesday, November 5, 2013

How to Grow Dahlias

        Many who stop to buy dahlias at Ricky Lee Williams’ stand on South State Street have questions about how to grow dahlias. Williams and Joan Donaldson, who helps Williams, are both quick to answer those questions and share from their wealth of knowledge.

Williams says he starts in February planing dahlia tubers in his bedroom. As soon as the last freeze passes, he transplants them into his garden. He says that the most common mistake when starting the tubers is watering them. Only when they have broken the surface do they need to be watered. After that, just water, weed and fertilize.

Each plant, when mature, develops multiple tubers that can be split up, dried, and then planted again. Even a little tuber can grow into a new plant.

Williams suggests checking out the Whatcom County Dahlia Society, which meet  on the first Monday of each month (except for December and January) They also have annual Dahlia shows and tuber sales. These events are great for learning about dahlias and connecting with others who grow them.

1 comment:

  1. Ricky Lee is a crack smoking thief. He illegally hires workers under the table in front of Labor Ready and then refuses to pay them for a hard days work. Don't buy this losers flowers he is a blight on our community.
